Track™ is an enterprise-class GPS asset tracking system. Track™ takes the guess work out of where your trailers, construction equipment, roll-off boxes, mobile gen-sets, and other high-value assets are located and how they are being utilized. Our integrated cellular, satellite, and GPS functionality sends daily position updates as well as exception alerts if your equipment moves unexpectedly. Packed with powerful reporting and instant alerting capabilities, Track™ provides immediate visibility to your high value assets.
Powerful Mapping
Ultra-fast and intuitive mapping provides asset managers instant access to location-based data. Industry standard, Google Maps, provides a feature rich base map with easy-to-use controls, all powered by the cloud for anytime, anywhere access.
- Easily track the location and current status of all of your assets.
- Identify last known locations, movement history, and utilization rates.
- Advanced satellite-based mapping views with worldwide coverage.
- Organize by asset groups.
Real-Time Alerting Engine
The same powerful set of tools that we use for real-time alerting of vehicle locations also drives our alert functionality for your high-value assets and trailer equipment. When the location of your assets are moving or environmental conditions are changing, your going to know about it real-time, every time.
- Geofence Alerting
- Movement Reporting
- Environmental Conditions
- Device Health Status

The quality of your real-time and historical location alerts are a function of the quality of your geo-fences. Geo-fences are imaginary boundaries ranging from large political boundaries to small construction sites or customer locations. We believe we have built the most intuitive and easy to use geo-fencing engine in the industry.
- Identify assets that have entered prohibited areas
- Identify vehicles that have travel corridors or depots
- Immediately be notified of unauthorized asset movement
- Understand sit times at customer or stop locations
Asset Reporting Tools
Standardized reports provides in-depth view into what is happening with your trailer equipment and other high value assets. The standardized reports included allows your organization to quickly analyze asset utilization data to improve decision making and identify potential issues. Reports are accessible any-time, exportable into a variety of formats, and are conveniently delivered to your inbox on request.
- Asset Journey/Location Reporting
- Stop/Dwell Time Reporting
- Unauthorized Movement Reporting
- Asset Health Condition Reporting

Mobile Asset Tracking
Obtain timely information when you need it, where you need. Available in the Apple iTunes and Google Play stores, the Locus-Mobile Asset Manager enables your on-the-go supervisor and asset managers to easily access the full power of the Locus asset tracking system from their mobile device.
- Mobile access and availability of asset location data.
- SMS Text & Email Alerts.
- Real-time asset status.
- Real-time movement reporting.

Reduce Fuel Costs
Verify Time On Job
Recover Stolen Equipment
Increase Fleet Efficiency
Improve Customer Service
Improve Safety & Security
Improve Productivity
Go Green
Start Free Trial Now.
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